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How A Title IX Lawyer Can Help You

Jun 20

When a student is accused of sexual assault or harassment, their school often initiates an extensive and complex disciplinary process. These processes involve investigations, hearings and sanction boards.

Students going through these proceedings without legal counsel can be at a huge disadvantage. A Title IX lawyer can help them navigate these processes.

What is Title IX

In short, Title IX is a civil rights law that protects women and men, staff members, students and pregnant individuals at public and private colleges and universities, technical schools, high schools, middle schools, elementary schools, vocational schools, and even libraries and museums. Any school that receives federal financial aid is required to comply with the statute and investigate any accusations of sexual harassment or assault.

Schools that are subject to Title IX have a duty to make accommodations for those who need them. As a result, it is not unusual for schools to undergo a long and complex process when any accusation of misconduct or alleged sexual assault occurs.

In addition to investigating these claims, schools must provide education and training on gender discrimination. Unfortunately, Title IX is often misinterpreted and abused by those who seek to use it against their opponents. This broader interpretation has led to a host of unintended ramifications. Our Title IX lawyers understand these nuances and can help you protect your interests.

What are the ramifications of a Title IX violation

A Title IX violation can involve any kind of negative action that hinders a person’s ability to work or study. This can include anything from a change to accommodation arrangements to being impacted by the attitudes of others towards the student in question.

This law protects female and male students, staff members, and faculty at all levels of education that receive federal financial aid. This includes public and private colleges, occupational and trade schools, middle and high schools, and universities. It also applies to programs sponsored by government agencies like the Coast Guard, forestry workshops, and courses on how to start a small business.

The law is designed to protect students from gender discrimination in the classroom and in extracurricular activities. Unfortunately, this does not always happen, and students are subject to disciplinary investigations and hearings that can have serious ramifications for their academic careers and future employment opportunities. The help of an experienced lawyer can be invaluable during this time.

How can a Title IX lawyer help me

The Title IX law prohibits sex-based discrimination in any program or activity that receives federal financial assistance. Generally, this includes schools and universities but it can also include other entities such as hospitals. For example, if a hospital is extended federal financial assistance for its emergency rooms, then the entire hospital is subject to Title IX.

Title IX regulations require schools to employ a Title IX Coordinator who is responsible for ensuring compliance and coordinating the complaint resolution process. They are required to have published procedures explaining how a student, employee or third party can report sex harassment, sexual assault or misconduct and provide information about campus and community-based support resources.

While Title IX has been instrumental in boosting women’s sports participation, there are still serious issues that have yet to be addressed. For example, in 2022, women will account for just 11% of NCAA athletes despite having a larger percentage of the population than men.

What is the difference between a Title IX investigation and a criminal investigation

The process by which a college or university investigates a Title IX complaint will vary from school to school. However, the federal government has issued “Dear Colleague Letters” that help guide schools to ensure they are complying with Title IX regulations.

These investigations are different from criminal cases. The standards of proof are different. Title IX proceedings are based on a preponderance of the evidence standard, while criminal cases must meet a higher “beyond a reasonable doubt” standard.

In addition, Title IX investigations are confidential. This means that if information about the case is leaked to the public, it could affect an accused student’s reputation and may prevent them from getting a fair hearing.

Title IX Lawyer Phoenix help protect a student’s rights in both situations. Whether it is a Title IX hearing or a criminal investigation, the consequences can be severe for an accused student. However, the assistance of a Title IX attorney can lessen this impact and increase the chances of a successful outcome.




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